Saturday, July 25, 2015

After 3/4 of a Century, Does AA Really Work?

Episode 24 SHHRP

The guys open up a very strange conversation about 12 step programs, the people who love them, the people who hate them, and the people that aren't sure they do much.

Robinson joins us for an audio tour of his Vietnamese hotel room, and for the YouTube viewers, you get a scooter POV tour of a Vietnamese town!

We try to bring you the most unbiased, non-commercialized views and conversations about topics we know not everyone is willing to talk about in the real world. If you enjoy, please subscribe...and tell a friend!


Tuesday, July 14, 2015

U.S.A. Fail: Addiction Is Ravaging Our Veterans

Episode 23 of SHHRP on Radio Valencia

On this episode of The Sober Happy Hour | Radio Podcast!, the guys talk about a very sensitive subject. We don't like to think about the affects our perpetual state of war, in this country, has on our active duty and veteran military personnel. We are just grateful that there's no chance any of us will get drafted. Let them fight the wars, let them get deployed a dozen times, let them watch their friends and fellow soldiers get maimed, killed, captured and tortured. And if and when they get home, ignore them, don't hire them, and forget about the promises we made to them when they volunteered for the job in the first place. Remind them that nobody FORCED them into the military, it was their choice. Is this how we, at The Sober Happy Hour feel? Absolutely not! So, we talked about it on the show.

We get into discussion about the numbers of veterans who are addicted, what's being done to help and what we can try to do to prevent it. We also spend time talking about the inescapable reality that our soldiers are going to need prescription pain medications, and what we might be able to do to prevent them coming home from war and addict. We even get into a very deep conversation about veteran suicide and the drug and alcohol connection. All of this and more on this episode of The Sober Happy Hour | Radio Podcast!


Saturday, July 11, 2015

It's My Party, I'll Be Sober If I Want To!

SHHRP on Radio Valencia 022

Tonight's episode is a discussion about living a regular life sober, or living your regular life with an addict in recovery. Does life have to be boring? Do you have to avoid going to parties or family gatherings? No! There are ways of protecting your sobriety while still living life to the fullest and even still having a rambunctious, crazy, fun time.

If you are the friend or the family member of an addict in recovery, do you have to be sober with them? Do you have to secretly enjoy your cocktails behind their back? No! You can respectfully enjoy yourself and partake in whatever you'd like while still being a good friend.

The 4th of July is an evening that a lot of people use as an excuse to be excessive. Whether you are an addict in recovery or not, please be careful and safe if you find yourself out for an evening of excess. Designate a driver, hire an Uber, walk home or sleep it off. Don't drive drunk.


Friday, July 10, 2015

Addicted to Religion. Obsessed with Pornography.

Download Episode 21 of SHHRP on Radio Valencia!

We don't always get into topics that could easily upset people. But we certainly do in this episode! Religion, the Opiate for the Masses, or your last hope to freedom from addiction?

Porn: can we really be addicted?

We will discuss both of these topics, fittingly, in this hot-button episode of The Sober Happy Hour | Radio Podcast!
