Friday, October 28, 2016

Sex Workers, Strippers, Drugs & Booze

Episode 069

I don't particularly care for Strip Clubs. I've never visited a prostitute. But I have always had respect for the men and women who choose that line of work. Why? Because it takes a lot of balls to get up and dance naked for money, or charge top dollar for the privilege of my sexual company. Let's be honest, if I could make 70 to 100 thousand dollars a year shaking my naughty bits, or pouring the bisquick, I probably would. I'm lazy.

But there's a sad reality to sex work in this world, especially in the US and we talk about that on this episode of SHHRP.

-Your Host

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Is Donald Trump A Sex Addict?

Episode 068

This one will turn some heads!

We discuss the recent events surrounding our wonderful Republican Presidential Candidate and the allegations that he has sexually assaulted women over the years. It would be hard to believe, if the man himself wasn't on tape explaining how his favorite part of being a "star" is being able to do whatever he wants, whenever he wants, to whomever he wants. Specifically, he likes to meet women and "grab them by the pussy".

Stay classy, America.

Would you like to donate to The Sober Happy Hour? Do so at the Square Cash cashtag $SHHRP or by visiting$SHHRP

Don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes and YouTube. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter if you’re into that kind of thing. And if you like this show, don’t hesitate to simply share it with a friend. All the links you need are right below! 

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Twitter! @soberhapphour

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Hong Kong Drug Facts and Fiction

Episode 067


On this episode, Robinson is in Hong Kong for a long layover, so we figured we would talk about the city of Hong Kong and the seedy underbelly of drug use and addiction that their media tries to hide.

We hope we don't get into any trouble for shedding unwanted light on the situation there. Oops.

Google, in all their glory, has removed Hangouts On-air as a service. So, for the time being, we will ONLY be providing the show via podcast. So be sure to rate, review and certainly subscribe to catch all new episodes of SHHRP!

Tell your friends!


Would you like to donate to The Sober Happy Hour? Do so at the Square Cash cashtag $SHHRP or by visiting$SHHRP

Don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes and YouTube. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter if you’re into that kind of thing. And if you like this show, don’t hesitate to simply share it with a friend. All the links you need are right below! 

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Saturday, October 1, 2016

Are You Addicted To Your Smartphone? Facebook? Consumer Electronics?

Download Episode 065 of SHHRP!

Tonight we discuss the possibility of social media and technology addiction. Is it a real thing? Can someone really be addicted to buying the latest and greatest technology from our favorite technology companies? Social Media addiction, is that a real thing? Does it fit inside the addiction definition we've discussed on this program, many many times?

All this and more on this episode 65 of the Sober Happy Hour!



Would you like to donate to The Sober Happy Hour? Do so at the Square Cash cashtag $SHHRP or by visiting$SHHRP

Don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes and YouTube. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter if you’re into that kind of thing. And if you like this show, don’t hesitate to simply share it with a friend. All the links you need are right below! 

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Twitter! @soberhapphour

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